Growth survey to boost SME growth and focus on results

Publication date 2.2.2023 17.30
Type:Press release

During the programming period 2021-2027, business development aid may also be granted as lump sum compensation, known as a growth survey. The growth survey is intended for SMEs seeking growth when companies are investigating the opportunity of launching new growth business.

The growth survey complements the forms of funding granted by the ELY centres. With a growth survey, the possibilities of starting a growth business for an SME are investigated in more detail. Based on the growth survey, if necessary, more extensive development projects can be launched
with basic business development aid.

In 2023, for lump sum compensation under business development aid project total direct costs cannot be more than €60,000. This does not include indirect costs, which are employer’s social insurance contributions and holiday pay, as well as flat rate costs, which the EURA 2021 system automatically adds to the project budget based on direct costs. For lump sum compensation under business development aid the maximum aid amount cannot cover more than 60 % of the total development measure costs. 

One or more clear and concrete outputs are defined for the lump sum project in the project application and the grant decision. The grant will be paid on the basis of realised and verifiable outputs in accordance with the grant decision.

The lump sum compensation of business development aid is available for both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Just Transition Fund (JTF). For more information on funding available in your region, see the call for applications for the region. Before submitting your application, we recommend that you contact advisory services for SME funding or your region’s business specialists to identify the opportunity to receive funding for your project. 

Business funding
Lump-sum compensation