Standardised lump-sum compensation
Standardised lump-sum compensation differs from regular lump-sum compensation in that, when using standardised lump-sum compensation, the applicant does not need to separately present a cost estimate for their lump-sum compensation project. The managing authority of the EU regional and structural policy (cohesion policy) programme has confirmed the amount of standardised lump-sum compensation.
The purpose of standardised lump-sum compensation is to lighten the project application and selection procedure in the most frequent types of lump-sum compensation projects.
By its decision dated 17 May 2022, the managing authority of the EU cohesion policy confirmed the following standardised lump-sum compensation:
- The standardised lump-sum compensation for development projects of the preliminary studies project type, funded from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the Just Transition Fund (JTF), is €50,000; and
- The standardised lump-sum compensation for development projects of the planning and experimenting/piloting the model of promoting social inclusion project type, funded from the ESF+, is €50,000.
The lump-sum compensation confirmed with the managing authority’s decision dated 17 May 2022 can be applied to development projects funded based on the funding act (757/2021).
The lump-sum compensation referred to in the decision is not applicable to projects funded based on the business support act (758/2021).
The confirmed amount corresponds to total project costs. The percentage of support from the confirmed amount is calculated using the support percentage in accordance with the project’s support decision.
The lump-sum compensation verified by the managing authority through its decision is valid at the confirmed amount. The amount of the lump-sum compensation valid on the issuance date of the support decision must be applied to the project throughout the project period.
The implementation of the standardised lump-sum compensation verified by the managing authority through its decision dated 17 May 2022 and the payment of support cannot be divided into parts, unlike in regular lump-sum compensation. However, advances can be granted similarly to other projects.
The funding call and instructions provide the beneficiary with information about whether the standardised lump-sum compensation option is applicable to the project in question. The funding authority can also set more detailed requirements for projects chosen to receive funding in the funding call and instructions. If required, the funding authority will provide more information.
Notification of the managing authority’s decision dated 17 May 2022 on standardised lump-sum compensation (in Finnish).