Matching of labour supply and demand in the
labour market
The aim of the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021−2027 programme’s national Matching theme is to secure the availability of skilled labour through efficient labour and business services and the development of models and services that improve matching between labour demand and supply.
Matching of jobseekers and job vacancies has proved challenging both regionally and by sector. The project aims to take a coordinated and controlled approach in addressing phenomenon-based and sector-specific challenges of strategic importance through labour market matching and measures to improve employment. The project aims to increase broad-based cooperation, development and networking at various levels between different actors.
Through coordinated national activities, the aim is to respond to labour force mismatches, employer recruitment challenges and the training and competence requirements set for employees in cooperation with employers. Sector-specific development work will take into account sectors that have encountered recruitment difficulties, the recognition and attractiveness of which will be increased, while increasing employer awareness of recruitment opportunities and employee awareness of vacancies nationally and internationally through digital services.
In practice, national activities include the further development, modelling and dissemination of good regional models into national policies and the strengthening of communications. During the activities, pilot projects will be implemented especially in sectors that require the most development measures for the coronavirus epidemic or other change situation. National activities will be organised into a national coordination project, within which practical development activities will be implemented flexibly through outsourced services and pilots. Due to the flexible targeting of national activities, the theme will be organised not only as a coordination project but also as sub-projects to support regional and sectoral development activities.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has selected the ELY Centre for Central Finland, which is responsible for areas such as the implementation of project applications, the activation of applicants, the selection and monitoring of projects, and communications related to the theme, as the intermediary authority for the theme.
Separate application periods will be organised for the theme, which will allow project applications to be submitted through the EURA2021 system. The theme corresponds to priority 4 of the programme: 1.1 Paths to work and 4.1.6 New competence for working life (ESF+) objectives.
Read the theme description (in Finnish)
Finance specialist Satu Tuimala, ELY Centre for Central Finland, tel. +358 295 024 019, firstname.lastname(at)
Finance specialist Mika Villa, ELY Centre for Central Finland, tel. +358 295 022 776 firstname.lastname(at)