North Savo’s regional plan 2040 and regional programme 2022–2025
The regional plan establishes the long-term goals, development strategy and population goals. The regional programme describes the practical measures guiding regional development and the allocation of regional fund-ing in the next four years.
The region’s development priorities and goals: • Machine and energy technology: smart and productive technology and service, a successful energy transition • Forest industry: diverse utilisation of wood material, increased added value, and emergence of new products • Food products: the leading region in sustainable food production • Wellbeing technology: better health care and business from health data, technology and new medicines • Tourism: growth in nature, event and cultural travel; development collaboration throughout Eastern Finland • Smart water system: smart and comprehensive management of water and wastewater systems; growth in business activities • Biorefining: new products and bioprocesses, biogas, recycled fertilisers, animal bedding, chemicals, energy
The region’s development priorities are also North Savo’s choices for smart specialisation.