General and specific selection criteria for projects
The Monitoring Committee of the Innovation and skills in Finland programme has approved the methods used in selecting projects and the selection criteria. The selection criteria refer to the general selection criteria and the specific selection criteria.
General criteria
The general selection criteria are requirements based on EU and national legislation, and the funding authority must control adequately that these criteria are fulfilled before the project approval procedure. If any of the general criteria is not met, the project is not eligible.
General selection criteria (The file opens in a new tab, in Finnish.)
Special selection criteria
There are three types of special selection criteria: content-related, horizontal and specifying criteria.
There are content-related special selection criteria for each specific objective. Rather than limiting the eligibility of projects, these criteria seek to select the best projects. Priorities or emphases that add special value to the programme have been highlighted as the selection criteria.
Of the horizontal selection criteria, the measures supporting equality, the principles of the EU Charter, sustainable development and the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (excluding JTF) concern all projects. In addition, the realisation of accessibility, non-discrimination and equity are evaluated in ESF+ projects.
The content of the call can be defined in more detail with specifying selection criteria. A specifying selection criterion may concern the emphases of the regional strategy, the national theme or agreements on innovation ecosystems. The content of the specifying selection criterion is defined in more detail in the call for project applications.
The funding authority evaluates the application by rating the content-related and specifying selection criteria on a scale of 0 to 5. The horizontal selection criteria are rated on a scale of 0 to 3.
Special selection criteria (The file opens in a new tab, in Finnish.)
If necessary, project participants obtain more information on the selection procedures and selection criteria from the funding authorities, in other words, from the regional councils, the ELY Centres and the Finnish Food Authority. Click here for more detailed contact information for each region.
Read more:
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Link to another website)
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (Link to another website)