Support and coordination of inclusion, gender equality and equality in the work of European Social Fund 2021–2027

Consideration for inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination is part of effective and high-quality programme work and prevents discrimination. These themes have been taken into consideration  in all the specific objectives of the Competent and inclusive Finland that provides work. They will also be developed through projects that are focused on them. The main objective of the national Support and coordination of inclusion, gender equality and equality theme is to support the programme’s implementation and the actors in this work by means of training, information production and communication. Coordination and support measures ensure the mainstreaming, embedding and utilisation of themes both nationally and in regions and municipalities. 

National theme

  • Provides support (to intermediary authorities) in the high-quality organisation of applications for projects that aim in particular to improve inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality. Increases awareness and expertise of equality and non-discrimination among project implementers and authorities, and develops skills for evaluating results
  • Facilitates project cooperation on Special Objective 4.3, compiles and disseminates best practices for the use of the projects in question and more generally in society
  • Produces information on the themes of promoting inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality, monitors debate on national and international themes and disseminates information on these to support the development of projects. Organises training and influencer events. 
  • Develops indicators and assessment methods for inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality.  Supports the monitoring and reporting of the goals and mainstreaming related to gender equality during the programme period. 
  • Supports programme actors in communication related to inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality.
  • Ensures the utilisation of results of coordination projects from previous programming periods and continues to develop them (Sokra, Node, Osuma, Valtava)
  • Read the theme description (in Finnish)



Annamari Asikainen
senior specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Merja Niemi
ministerial adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture
tel. +358 29 533 0229

Iida Partanen
finance specialist
ELY Centre for Häme
tel. +358 295 025 241

Coordination of equal participation

Anna Keto-Tokoi
project manager
National Institute for Health and Welfare
tel. +358 29 524 7074
[email protected]
Erika Mäntylä
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Read more about the coordination project (in Finnish)

Coordination of the inclusion of children, young people and families

Elina Weckström
project manager
tel. +358 50 306 5588
Urpo Uusitalo
partnership manager
tel. +358 40 099 5546