The Finland 2021–2027 innovation and skills in Finland programme extends to the lives of many Finns

The programming period for regional and structural policy 2021–2027 will bring significant resources for Finland's long-term growth and renewal. The innovation and skills in Finland 2021–2027 programme builds the vitality of regions and the wellbeing of people. Finland's regions will create the success of the programme by reforming and responding to the changes brought about by climate change and digitalisation. The three Funds involved in the programme – the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund plus (ESF+) and the Just Transition Fund (JTF) – each bring their own perspectives to this work. Interreg programmes, on the other hand, offer opportunities for regional development through cross-border partnerships and international networks. Regional cooperation at national and international level is an important part of effectiveness.
The cornerstones of the innovation and skills in Finland programme are a business-oriented approach and carbon neutrality
The goal of carbon neutrality by 2035 can be achieved through concrete national, regional and local measures. Close cooperation between national and regional actors as well as companies, education and research institutes supports smart specialisation. It is essential that new innovations can be created throughout Finland. one of the key objectives of the programme is to provide the regions' own potential with the support they need to develop and strengthen. This is why services that support employment, continuous learning and inclusion will be further improved – in a diverse and open-minded manner. The experience gained during several programming periods gives certainty to the development of project cooperation aimed at a positive change in the lives of the people involved and in the activities of companies and organisations.
The aim is efficient and effective implementation
The simplified cost models put the results and effectiveness of the activities at the centre of the project work. The new operating methods make it easier to apply for funding and also support small actors' access to project activities. EURA 2021 digital services enable smooth processes and reduce the administrative burden on both project implementers and authorities. By the European day of 2024, the programme had already launched more than 3,800 projects with a total public funding exceeding one billion euros, which is about one third of the public funding available for the entire programming period. With the help of monitoring and evaluation, we will find out what kind of impact the programme will have on society. The first monitoring data on the results of the projects will still be available this year.
More information about the programme:
More information on projects already funded: