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Arts Promotion Centre Finland coordinates creative and culture projects during the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 programme period

Publication date 27.9.2022 11.29 | Published in English on 25.10.2022 at 18.47
Press release

The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) has been selected to coordinate the national theme of innovation competence in creative fields and culture. The vision of Taike’s creative network coordination project is that culture and creative fields generate new competence and work, while strengthening the attractiveness and resilience of Finland and its different regions. Engaging specialists in creative fields with operators in education, science and various regions will produce cultural and social innovation, as well as new business models.

One of the coordination project’s goals is to inspire small and medium-sized operators in culture and creative fields across Finland to join European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) project funding calls. These operators often have expertise and brilliant ideas but lack sufficient project experience. Various operators require targeted and systematic funding guidance, a sustainable mindset and joint development. One of the coordination project’s tasks is to facilitate cooperation between national and regional projects under the theme and make best practices available for other projects and operators.

The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) for Häme acts as the funding authority for ESF+ projects under this national theme. Total funding for projects during the programme period is EUR 13.6 million. The first phase will consist of a call for ideas, which will start in October.

“The coordination project is expected to adopt a strong regional presence based on Taike’s current national role,” says Minna Taipale, finance specialist at the ELY Centre. The goal is to strengthen cooperation between the funding provider and coordination project to engage operators. “The ELY Centre for Häme will still be responsible for activities related to project funding and monitoring,” Taipale says.

The theme of innovation competence in creative fields and culture will be carried out under priority axis 4 – competent and inclusive Finland that provides work (ESF+), special objective 4.2 (New skills in working life) – of the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 EU cohesion policy programme. The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the theme. The ELY Centre for Häme acts as the funding authority. More information on national themes:


Further information:

ELY Centre for Häme
Minna Taipale, finance specialist
Tel. +358 295 025 106, minna.taipale(at)

Ministry of Education and Culture
Kirsi Kaunisharju, counsellor for cultural affairs
Tel. +358 295 330 144, kirsi.kaunisharju(at)

Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike)
Paula Tuovinen, director
Tel. +358 295 330 703, paula.tuovinen(at)

Tomi Aho, special advisor
Tel. +358 295 330 850, tomi.aho(at)
Tel. +358 295 025 106, minna.taipale(at)
