Sports business is best exported as a team

The Sport Finland network wanted to combine the challenge of immobility, business innovation and growth across national borders. The seeds for more permanent cooperation have been sown for the production of joint innovations, events and projects.
The goal of the Sport Finland network for the past few years has been to develop Finland into an internationally recognised country of exercise and well-being innovations. Operators around Finland have found new partners and ideas for research and innovation activities and business development.
The national network led by the cities of Jyväskylä, Lahti and Kuopio has led to good experiences of joint development. Companies in the sports, health and well-being sectors in particular have been motivated to spend their time on workshop activities.
In addition to workshops, the Sport Finland network has supported Finnish companies in gaining a foothold in foreign markets. In the spring and autumn of 2024, the Madrid and Seville delegations represented the national sports business as a united front, which clearly increased the visibility and attractiveness of Finnish innovation activities at the events in Spain, such as football fairs.
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