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Aiming to double the industrial production of photonics

Publication date 25.9.2024 11.07 | Published in English on 30.9.2024 at 16.12
Press release

Collaboration in the photonics sector is progressing at a good pace in Finland. The results of the business survey, marketing material for international networking and the expected roadmap for 2025-2030 will be published in the autumn.

Joensuu, Oulu, Tampere and Espoo are involved in building a national urban network of photonics in Finland. The urban network supports the growth and networking of the sector’s businesses as well as investments in Finland.

Each city has investigated the needs, current situation and plans for the near future of businesses in its region. The results of the business survey will be published in autumn 2024.

The industry has announced that 5,000 new workers will be needed over the next five years. Industrial production can even be doubled.

“Some workers will come from other industries and abroad, but more students are needed,” says Development Manager Juha Purmonen from Business Joensuu.

According to Tea Vellamo, the coordinator of the flagship photonics project PREIN, there is a major shortage of students with sufficiently in-depth knowledge in mathematics and photonics.

In practice, there is competition in Finland for mathematically talented students and competition with other countries for international students.

Read the article: Aiming to double the industrial production of photonics - Innokaupungit

